News & Notes

  • Steal these moments


    In an ongoing conversation, our six directors (Jeremy Cohen, Leah Cooper, Noel Raymond, Jon Ferguson, Ben McGovern, and Dominic Taylor)...

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  • The Bloody Charlotte


    One bottle red wine
    4 ounces brandy
    One blood orange, sliced
    1/2 cup sugar
    1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
    Black peppercorns

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  • Reviving old musicals: Harold Rome


    Anyone with an interest in musical theater knows the name of the giants who helped develop the art form during...

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  • The Scream


    The Scream

    1.5 ounces scotch
    1 teaspoon lemon juice
    1 ounce sweet vermouth
    3 ounces hard cider (dry or sweet...

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  • The eye of the beholder


    The latest much-anticipated piece from playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, An Octoroon bills itself as “a full-blooded investigation of race and cultural...

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  • Sing a new old song


             Listen my children and you shall hear, of musicals old and dear,

             Before Les Miz, Phantom and Cats...

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  • Intimacy


    After getting in a bike accident in Brooklyn’s terrifying Grand Army Plaza and breaking bones in her left hand, Siobhan...

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