News & Notes

  • News and notes: So this is the New Year


    What's Going On Here?

    Everything's changed on Minnesota Playlist. I just logged in to discover that the website is expanded...
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  • What's New?


    Welcome to the new

    We’ve spiced up the design, added some useful new features, and streamlined how easy it...

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  • What are we so excited about?


    What is Minnesota theater?

    This is our project at, to explore this question.

    I grew up in Chicago—City of...

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  • BLOG: A year in News and Notes

    End of the Year Blowout! Congratulations, Twin Cities theater world! You've just about made it through another year. Since we...
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  • BLOG: We're Still Here

    All Your Art is Dying Around this time of year, the lack of sunlight starts to play havoc on my...
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  • We're testing

    The new site is almost ready to unveil, just in time for the holidays. If you would like to help...
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  • REVIEW: Grandma knows best

    4000 Miles is the story of a lumbersexual and his Marxist grandmother, Leo Joseph-Connell (played by Gabriel Murphy) and Vera...
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  • Chekhov that works

    Last week was a tough one at Playlist. While I struggled hard with a play that felt maddeningly disconnected to...
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  • Song Story podcast previews Jonah

    Twin Cities Song Story is a locally produced podcast focusing on the process of how a song finds its way...
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  • REVIEW: Tipping the scales

    It’s appropriate that Walking Shadow is partnering with Mixed Blood to present Samuel Hunter’s The Whale—as these two theaters...
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