2012 Fringe Festival helpful items from the past
As the 2012 Minnesota Fringe Festival is just a few weeks away. I thought it might be helpful to put together a collection of past items, essays, and articles written to help fringe producers, fringe performers, and fringe audiences have the most successful eleven days of fringe festivaling as they possibly can.
In 2009 Ben McGinley made a series of videos focused on the Fringe. Take a look at Ben McGinley’s Fringe Binge TV
Bill Stiteler once made a case for having no programs and no postcards at the Fringe. Probably even more realistically possible now than it was a few years ago. Take a look at Bill Stiteler's Paperless fringe and theater as social media
Bill Stiteler also took some time to point out that no one want's to see your show and why accepting and addressing that is the best way to capture an audience. Check out Bill Stiteler does not want to see your show
Last year John Middleton went on a grand quest for the perfect fringe cocktail. Will he take up that search again this year? Until we find out you can soothe yourself with last years perfect fringe cocktail
A while back door-to-door theater salesman Seth Lepore wrote about self producing shows and working the festival circuit. Certain some useful info for succeeding at the MN fringe festival. Give a bit of time to Seth Lepore's roller coaster of self producing theater
Do you have a twitter account for your show or your theater company? Coco Mault wrote about how to get started and do twitter right as a theater maker. Here's Twitter for theater makers
There will be a bunch of opportunities to watch dance at the 2012 MN Fringe Festival. John Munger once wrote about how to consume modern theater. If you want to see some dance shows and get the most from them give a read to How to watch modern dance