Soup to Nuts 08/07/2011 3:20pm
First, a heads up: due to a mix-up during the state shut down, every traffic cone in the Twin Cities has been filled angry wasps. Adjust your travel plans accordingly.
Updates from readers:
Tim Voss suggests "Acadia Cafe on the corner of Cedar and Riverside. (It was even a Fringe venue in its old location.) Excellent burgers and assorted pub grub, plus a massive beer list."
Another says "Caffrey's, across from HUGE, is great and quick enough for the tween-show turnover. Worth the dangerously high hipster quotient."
Debbie Tallen recommends the Republic for the 7 Corners list for their "tasty fish tacos."
And - this is VERY IMPORTANT from Mo Perry: the correct pronunciation of Moto-i is "moe-toe-eeee, as in dodo bee." Confirming my theory that vowels are stupid.