Right script, wrong space

woman walks into room and is ambushed by another holding a book ready to thwack her.

Oh hello there. I see you've come back for more.

Well press play and let's get this show on the road. Or this podcast on the speaker. Or this recording on the road on the way to a show... 

Seriously, thanks for listening. Get out and support theater. 

Our second episode is all about The Revolutionists, written by Lauren Gunderson and presented by Prime Productions. Konrad Case joins me as we head to Park Square Theatre for the performance directed by Shelli Place and featuring performances by Alison Edwards, Tia Marie Tanzer, Jasmine Porter, and Jane Froiland.

Listen in as we try to keep the volume down so we don't wake Konrad's baby, or her mom.



Podcast host notes:
Part of my intention on these is to go in blind - something I mention in the opening of this episode. I want my impression of arrival to feel like an audience member who has stumbled upon something unique and interesting to experience. I recognize this means I'm going to screw up names, titles, etc. If this pisses people off please send feedback. I'm not out to make mockery, and I certainly don't want to disrespect. But I do want to provide an alternative to the traditional form of critique that prides itself on research and heavy preparation before the experience in order to provide critical review. This is an experiment. Send word if you have thoughts on how it is going. Email us at [email protected].

Headshot of Damon Runnals
Damon Runnals

Damon Runnals is the co-founder of Swandive Theatre with Meg DiSciorio, benevolent overlord of Minnesota Playlist, a local D&D Dungeon Master, and father to two amazing girls.